Debunking the Fine-tuning argument

Ansh Maini
3 min readNov 22, 2021

Dr. Ali Binazir did the calculations and to his amazement found that the chances of anyone existing are one in 102,685,000. In other words, as this infographic figures it, the fact that you exist is equivalent to winning thousands of consecutive jackpots.

Dr. Ali Binazir illustrates the extremely unlikely chain of events that would have to occur for you to be born in this world.

Not just you, the odds that earth could sustain life were extremely low as well. Yet still, here we are rulers of planet Earth.

To men of religion, the very fact that we exist against all the odds proves the existence of a creator, who is all good, all-knowing, and all-mighty. Thus the universe is finely tuned for our existence.

Moreover if the gravity is altered by even an inconceivably small amount, it would lead to the end of the universe.

For instance, if the expansion rate of the universe were any faster, the universe would have flown apart so quickly as to disallow for the assembly of subatomic particles and later atoms and later all of us.

The Christian Philosopher, William Lane Craig routinely brings up this argument whenever he debates the New Atheists.

However, I find a flaw in this sort of reasoning. Just because we don’t understand the complexities of the universe, doesn’t prove God. It just shows the limitation of our knowledge.

The ‘God of the gaps’ argument remains to be enough to shred any ontological argument for God’s existence.

In ancient times, the understanding of the world was null and void compared to its complexities. Natural phenomenons like floods, thunderstorms, and plagues were eventually associated with an entity larger than life itself.

Complex evolutionary processes lead to the creation of certain abstractions around this imaginary entity, which in turn paved the way for organized religion.

(Religious norms passed on as memes from one generation to the other, as they were adaptive for the society as a whole)

As the invention of the printing press allowed for the scientific revolution, our sheer ignorance got exposed. Everywhere the Gods were thought to inhabit, on investigation turned out to be complex physical processes.

God got thrown out of the picture as soon as the mystery got resolved. God thus remains associated with phenomenons unexplained by science. It’s about time that these mysteries get uncovered and as the experience has taught us, it is wise to assume that there is no involvement of any supernatural entity.

“What came before the Big Bang?”

“Why does life exist on earth against all odds?”

These are some questions which the religious fanatics use to prove God.

Again, it doesn’t prove the existence of an almighty creator, it just shows our ignorance of how the universe works.

“The truth, as it remains, is inconceivable to the human mind, partly because of the fact that our minds evolved to help us survive, and not to help us figure out the reason for our existence.”



Ansh Maini

My interests are Psychology, Philosophy Evolutionary Psychology, History, Creative Writing.